Climate, cognitive strengths of Greta, Bill Gates, Chris Hohn

What do the cognitive strengths of Bill Gates, billionaire hedge fund manager, Chris Hohn and Greta Thunberg have in common? You may know they are all in their various ways committing to climate change solutions - they also bear many of the positive cognitive strengths of the autistic spectrum. Those positives are worth noting in the narrative about what autism can be.

This Bloomberg article looks at the climate activism Hohn’s hedge fund is now engaging in.

Thinking about the framework that intellectual and economist Albert Hirschman suggested

Voice, Exit and Loyalty

And the on-going debates between divestment and engagement (and I do both, but think engagement can be more effective), I am glad all three are using Voice too.

Bloomberg article on Chris Hohn here being a “climate radical” (IMHO, he has been involved here for ages (as you can see through his foundation), although maybe only more recently stepped up stronger actions).

My observations on the Bill documentary, which support views that Bill Gates has autistic thinking strengths.

The wiki on Exit, Voice, Loyalty