
Benjamin Yeoh  | Ben Yeoh

I want to share ideas on: sustainability, investing, autism, arts, theatre and how to live a better life.

Current projects

A microgrants programme where I’m giving 10x £1k grants in 2020.

Angel Investing, a focus on sustainability + impact.

Podcasting, following my curiousity to chat with thinkers and doers.

Performance-Lecture Thinking Bigly - available free to schools, companies + theatres.

A Mingle meetup (normally London, 4x a year)  mixing Arts/Business/Sustainability

A climate UnConference (2021) - a participatory form of conference.

Sign up to my 1-2 x month newsletter (form below) or contact me for more details.

Notable Blogs

When I visited once of the most remote people on earth, the Wana tribe.

A correlation on quality of government vs size of government vs healthcare, GDP and peace.

One of my favourite dishes, Chicken Rice and what it says about culture and migration

5 lessons autism has taught me

My investment blogs and arts blogs.

Public Thought Pieces

I presented on ESG investing at the CFA UK conference in 2019 (YouTube video)

A podcast with me on the current state of sustainability investing (2019)

My FT Op-ed on the role of active management and ESG and how investors can make a positive difference

My policy brief at Mercatus Center (George Mason University) on acceleration regulation for a coronavirus vaccine.

Working life

Global Equities Investing (my day job) with healthcare + sustainability specialisms.

Theatre Making, I use to chair theatre company, Coney (curiousity, play, interactive) and before that Talawa Theatre Company (black british theatre).

(See Linkedin)

Advisory Roles

I chair the Responsible Investment Advisory Committee for Royal London Asset Management. 

I sit on the Investor Advisory Group for the UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC). 

I was a member of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) advisory group on Management Commentary. (2019-2021) 

Notable writing theatre and performance works

I’m a co-author on the CFA UK textbook on ESG investing.

I’ve written award winning plays performed in London and on BBC Radio. 

My play Yellow Gentlemen is available on Kindle.

(BBC Radio 4 play) Places in Between, where Rory Stewart walks across Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban  - Contact me for a copy.

Nakamitsu won the Gate Theatre Award.

I’m the former Chair of Talawa Theatre Company, former Chair of Coney and current Board member of Improbable.

(Writers bio here)

Connect with me

Twitter @benyeohben  + Linkedin are my main social media profiles.

Do connect and sign up to my 1-2x a month newsletter.