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Projects for 2019

Above picture charts some of the projects for 2019.

If I can manage some time, there’s a good chance I can draft a new play. I have a decent set of notes for an outline. I managed to finish and sell the first set of Aphorism books.

There is also a decent shot you may see me on the “stage” in a form of performance lecture in a collaboration with David Finnigan*.

What hasn’t made it on the picture…I’m hoping to do more cooking. I think cooking for yourself/family tends to have less food waste, which saves money as well as the carbon cost, and is tasty!

I’m going to continue enriching relationship connections and nuding several levers on the sustainability and climate front.

Continuing to support the autism charity, Focus West London and any thoughts on how to push that forward.

Send me a message if you have an idea for collaboration.


Focus West London, Donations.

The IASB group, I’m part of